Enabling an auto-reply message

Auto-reply messages are a great way to let people know that you are away for an extended period.

  1. Login to your Name.com email account on https://mail.name.com.
  2. Click the Settings [gear] icon, on the menu bar at top.
  3. In the Settings panel, click Autoresponder.
  4. Complete the fields in the Autoresponder pane as follows:
    • Click to put a checkmark in the box next to Enabled.
    • In the Interval field, enter the number of days before the same recipient will receive the auto-response message again. If not specified, the interval defaults to one day.
    • Click in the End Date field, and select the date when you want to stop the autoresponse message from being sent.
    • In the Autoresponse Text field, type the message you want to be automatically sent in reply to all incoming email messages.
  5. Click Save.
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