When you set up hosting or add a new domain name or subdomain to your hosting, it will automatically create a new FTP account. You can manage these, or create a new FTP account, from within cPanel.
How to create a new FTP account
- Log into cPanel.
- Click FTP accounts under the Files section.
- To create a new FTP account, fill in the FTP information and click create FTP account.
If you click Change Password next to any existing accounts, you will be able to update the password. Clicking on Configure FTP Client will give you instructions for adding the FTP account to your FTP client.
Note: Your main FTP account is listed under Special FTP Accounts. The information for this FTP account is the same as the username and password for your hosting. To change the password for this account, follow the instructions Changing your hosting/cPanel password for changing your hosting password.