Downloading a hosting backup

The single best thing you can do to protect your website and hosting plan is to keep backups. These are critical if you make a big change to your site you don’t like, if your hosting is hacked, if you decide to move to another hosting provider, if a file gets corrupted or deleted by accident, and many other reasons. Basically, having a backup is the best fail safe out there.

How to backup your website

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Click Backup Wizard under Files.
  3. Click Backup on the left, then Full Backup.
  4. Leave the Backup Destination as home directory.
  5. Enter your email address and click Generate Backup.  

It might take a while if you have a big site, but everything will be saved both in your hosting and emailed to you so you can save it in a safe place.


Note: Please note that is not responsible for your hosting content, nor the creation of backups. only provides backups as a courtesy and these should not be relied upon as your only backup solution.

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