Changing your primary domain for Google Workspaces (formerly G Suite)

If at some point you decide that you want to change the primary domain for your Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), you are free to do so. These changes can be made directly in your Google Workspace Admin Console by following these steps. 

How to change your primary Google Workspace domain:

  1. Go to and login using your Google Workspace email address and password.
  2. Select the Domains option (located at the bottom of the Admin Console home page).
  3. Click Add/Remove Domains then select Add a Domain or a Domain Alias on the following page.
  4. Choose the Add another domain option, then enter the NEW domain name you wish to use. Once you're done, click Continue and Verify Domain Ownership.

  1. The next step is to verify ownership of the domain. Choose in the list of domain name providers then select Verify.

A new window will open asking permission for Google to verify your domain ownership with Select I Accept to continue, then wait a moment for the domain to be verified.

  1. Once verification process is complete you will see a confirmation page. Click Continue and you'll be redirected back to your Admin Console.
  1. Select the More Controls option (located at the bottom of the Admin Console home page) then click Add/Remove Domains.
  1. Click the Make Primary option, which is located directly to right of your new domain name.
  1. Select Change Primary Domain. Your browser should then refresh and the new domain will be set as your primary domain.
  1. Now, assign a user for the new primary domain. Select the menu option on the top right side of your Admin Console and click Users.


- Click on your Username

- Select the Account option, where you will see a drop down section appear

- Click the blue Edit link below the Basic Information section

- An Update User window will appear

- Select the NEW primary domain in the list of domain names, then click Update User. 

  1. The final step is to contact customer support so we can update the new domain name within our system. You will also need to add Google Workspace MX records to your domain. For instructions on how to add Google Workspace MX records please see Adding DNS Records for Google Workspace.


*Google support also offers a helpful article you can reference at

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