Transfer status FAQ

A transfer is in started as soon as the payment transaction is complete. In order to educate and assist, we have included the steps on how to view the status of your transfer as well as some detailed information on what it all means.


Transfer status FAQ

  1. Log into your account
  2. Hover on the Get Started on the top of the page and click Transfers under the Domains column.
  3. On the transfers page, click Transfers in Progress.


  • Pending Unlock - If your domain has the status of "ClientTransferProhibited" it means it's locked and as a result, it cannot move forward in the transfer process. You can look up the status of the domain by doing a whois query. In order to correct the problem, please unlock the domain with your current registrar. For any support regarding how to unlock a domain we recommend you contact your current registrar.
    Once the domain is unlocked it should have the status "OK", and the transfer will proceed on its own.

  • Transfer Submitted ETA: 7 day(s) - The transfer is submitted to the registry and all is well!
    You now have the option to wait 5-7 days for the transfer to complete or you can contact the losing registrar (the company you are transferring away from) and ask they expedite it. You do not have to wait, but please understand that does not have the authority to approve and expedite incoming transfers - only you the losing registrar has the ability to expedite and approve it. If/when they do, it should complete within an hour or 2. 
  • Rejected - The losing registrar has rejected your transfer. No explanation why is shared with so we suggest you contact the losing registrar (the company you are transferring away from) and they can explain and assist further.

  • Completed - Congratulations, the transfer is complete and the domain is in your ready for use!



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