Website Builder language, currency and units (v8)


Changing the language can be done both in the site editor and on the site you are creating.

To change the language in the editor:

  1. Click on the Main menu.
  2. Click Your account.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Select your preferred language from the Language dropdown list.
  5. Click Update language.

Accessing the language option

To change the language of your site:

  1. Click Main menu.
  2. Click Site settings.
  3. Click on SEO.
  4. Select your preferred language from the Language dropdown list.
  5. Click Save.

Accessing the site language option



Currencies can be set for two different transaction types:

  • For transactions made through the PayPal button.
  • For transactions made through your Store.

To change the currency of the PayPal button:

  1. Click on the Main menu.
  2. Click Site settings.
  3. Click Profile.
  4. Select your preferred currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  5. Click Save.

Accessing currency via Profile

To change the currency of your Store:

  1. Click on the Main menu.
  2. Click Store.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Currency & formats.
  5. Select your preferred currency from the Currency dropdown list.
  6. Click Save.

Accessing currency via Store


Units are used to determine the price of shipping products in your Store.

To change the weight unit type of your site Store:

  1. Click on Main menu.
  2. Click Store.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Currency & formats.
  5. Select your preferred weight unit type from the Weight units dropdown list.
  6. Click Save.
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